Dr. Carole Bucy talks about popular music in the 1920’s and the music publishing business in Nashville, Tennessee.
Performance of a vintage suffrage song “ The New America” with vintage suffrage image.
AEWorks is a not for profit 501c3 organization. Your donations are tax deductible. Visit our Go Fund Me Page gofundme.com/f/a-vote-of-her-own For a Video version of this podcast go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qERlqT7i-To For a transcript of the podcast: http://www.avoteofherown.com/ This podcast engineered and mixed by Cosette Collier, Department of Recording Industry, MTSU, Murfreesboro Tennessee Musicians for this podcast include: Daniel Bondaczuk, Sarah Wilfong, Candace Corrigan, Janne Henshaw and Carol Levack #avoteofherown, #womenshistory, #womenssuffrage