Join mother-daughter power duo Kimberly Maize MSW and Savannah Woodard CTS. CTIC as they share their story on how they healed their transgenerational trauma through radical self-awareness and responsibility.
For this week's episode, Kimberly holds space while Savannah shares her perspective of “the divide,” why it happened, and how she feels about it now. “The divide” was an eighteen-month period of no contact that was imperative for their relationship today.
TRIGGER WARNING: This podcast contains triggering content for anyone who has experienced trauma or is sensitive to topics such as domestic violence, suicide, addiction, neglect and so on. If you fell dysregulated while listening, please pause and take care of yourself. If you feel like you are at risk to yourself or others seek emergency help immediately. Thank you for your consideration and support. #anewgeneration #anewgenerationpodcast #podcast #transgenerationaltrauma #transgenerationaltraumahealing #healingtransgenerationaltrauma #generationaltrauma #healingfamilies #whenfamilieshealsocietyheals #familyhealing #familiescanrecover #familiesdorecover #traumasurvivor #traumasurvivors #traumarecovery #traumahealing #endtraumastigma #traumaawareness #raisetraumaawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthadvocacy #mentalhealthawareness #traumainformed #traumainformedcare #advocacy #traumaeducation #traumainformedhealing #traumaspecialist #traumainformedcoach #livedexperience