Episode Title: A New Commandment, which is really an old commandment...
Bible Passage:John 13:31-38 (ESV)
Episode Summary:What defines you? Is it your career, your family, or your hobbies? In this episode, we explore how Jesus calls His disciples—and us—to adopt love as our defining characteristic. As Judas exits the scene, Jesus shifts the focus to glorification through His coming sacrifice and gives a "new commandment": to love one another as He has loved us. This love is not just obligatory but humble, sacrificial, and evangelistic. It’s a love that reveals we are His disciples.
Jesus’ challenge for us is clear: our love for fellow believers should set us apart. It’s not about success, power, or fame; it’s about sacrificial, Christ-like love that speaks volumes to a watching world. How can we embody this love in our daily lives, especially within our church communities? Let’s dive in and take up the challenge.
Hashtags:#SacrificialLove #ChristianIdentity #LoveOneAnother #JesusCommands #FaithInAction #SpiritualGrowth #christianpodcast #challenge #spiritual #christian #christianmotivation
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