It’s unreactive, lighter than air, and surprisingly important to the global economy. Zachary Crockett goes up an octave.
- Sophia Hayes, professor of chemistry at Washington University in St. Louis.
- Phil Kornbluth, president of Kornbluth Helium Consulting.
- Bo Sears, C.E.O. of Helix Exploration PLC.
- "Why Semiconductor Growth Will Drive Helium Demand," by Kitty Wheeler (Technology Magazine, 2024).
- "The World Is Running Out of Helium. Here's Why Doctors Are Worried," by Caroline Hopkins (NBC News, 2022).
- "Nothing on Earth Can Replace Helium — and It’s in Peril," by Joseph DiVerdi (The New York Times, 2019).
- Selling the Nation's Helium Reserve, by the National Research Council (2010).
- "Discovery of Helium in Natural Gas at the University of Kansas," by the American Chemical Society (2000).
- "Is Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade Its Most Valuable Asset?" by Freakonomics Radio (2024).