Title: 7. The Power of Jesus' Love: A Christmas Reflection
1. Trust in God's Faithfulness: Assurance that God is trustworthy in every aspect of life.
2. Miracle of the Body of Christ
- Scripture Reference: Ephesians 3:20-21, highlighting God's ability to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine through His power working in us.
- Focus on God's Care: Reminder that God is intimately involved in every detail of our lives.
- Personal Reflection: Encouragement to reflect on and share personal stories of God's redeeming and restoring love.
3. Gifts of Jesus: The miraculous gifts provided through Jesus, including:
- A relationship with Him.
- The presence of the Holy Spirit.
- The power of prayer.
- Fellowship and unity within the Body of Christ.
4. Daily Practice of Gratitude: A call to unwrap and appreciate the gifts of Jesus every day, allowing His love and blessings to transform our lives.
How to Connect or Learn More?
Inspired to Action: How Following the Promptings of Your Heart Can Change the World by: Rebecca M. Pratt/ Book can be found on Amazon
Inspired to Live an Extraordinary Life: Even through Difficult Circumstances by: Rebecca M. Pratt/ Book can be found on Amazon