We are breaking records this week with our Guinness's World Record Episode! Courtney shares the sweetest 75th anniversary story & Megan almost kills us with a Guinness beer for our signature cocktail. We were shocked at some of the wedding world record titles, like who comes up with these ideas?? There are so many we left out so if you want to know more definitely check out their site! There's many categories left untapped, so what record are you breaking???
We have siamese cats who's wedding included a private jet & rolls Royce, underwater weddings, wedding veils the size of 60+ football fields, a man with over 1,400 best friends, and the last category takes the cake for most creative record, literally!!
It's our favorite time of year, Love is Blind is back and we're giving our hot takes!
Fun Fact
Dylan Sprouse and Barbara Palvin
75 Anniversary at Chic-fil-a
Longest Kiss
Most Flowergirls
Most Bridesmaids
Longest Veil
Largest Prison Wedding
First Robot Wedding
Deepest Underwater Wedding
Largest Underwater Wedding
Most Expensive Pet Wedding
Largest Wearable Wedding Cake
Most Times as a Best Man