Join John Kraemer and me as we discuss, The Lego Church Project, a unique ministry blending faith, art, and disability advocacy. For over 25 years, John has used thousands of Lego bricks to construct intricate Catholic churches, each design inspired by his deep faith and a passion for inclusion. In this episode, we explore John’s incredible journey, how his disability shaped his mission, and the powerful message his creations bring to parishes and communities. Get ready to be inspired! Follow John: https://www.facebook.com/LegoChurchProject https://twitter.com/Kc8wzm https://prayingbricks.substack.com/ Help support this ministry: https://the-religious-hippie.square.site/fundus Official Website: Thereligioushippie.com TAN Books Affiliate: https://tanbooks.com/?afmc=Amber15&utm_campaign=Amber15&utm_source=leaddyno&utm_medium=affiliate Blessed is She Affiliate: https://blessedisshe.net/?ref=AMBER Immaculate Blessed Affiliate Link: https://immaculateblessed.com?sca_ref=3651790.JpslqGQwo0 Social Media 🎙️Podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thereligioushippie ⌨️Twitter: https://twitter.com/HippieReligious 📷Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_religious_hippie/ 💌Send me a Letter! 💌 Amber Rose P.O. Box 392 Willow Springs, IL. 60480 FAQ: Why ‘the religious hippie?’ It was a nickname my friends gave me when I was in highschool because I dressed like a hippie and was a ‘wild child’, when I came back into my faith they thought ‘the religious hippie’ was now a more appropriate nickname and it stuck! #Catholic #Catholicism #ReligiousHippie #Christian #Christianity #Catholicinfluencer #Influencer #2024 #2024advice #vlogger #vlogging #vlog #FaithJourney #CatholicTruth #CatholicYouth #TraditionalCatholic #LatinMass