Welcome back to episode 31 another backseat recording! This week we jump right into it with a listener write in that leads into a discussion about red flags in relationships, we snoop on the neighbor across the street, Taylor tells a story about her recent trip to planned parenthood, and what we would tell our younger selves.
Check us out on Instagram: @yougotuspodcast @taylorrena_murphy
Have questions or want advice? Let us know! Visit our website: Yougotuspodcast.com Smoke Cannabis and live in SoCal? Enjoy 30% off your Grassdoor order.
Grassdoor 30% off link
Check us out on Instagram: @yougotuspodcast @taylorrena_murphy
Have questions or want advice? Let us know! Visit our website: Yougotuspodcast.com Smoke Cannabis and live in SoCal? Enjoy 30% off your Grassdoor order.
Grassdoor 30% off link