Our daily lives are comprised of various emotions that can range throughout the day depending on what’s happening around us and in our life. Whether positive or negative, emotions provide a purpose. They are the communication link to our mind, body, and spirit. If that communication process gets interrupted an emotion can get trapped in our body, wreaking havoc on our physical and mental health.
In this week’s show I explain exactly how emotions can get trapped, how they can affect us, and how we can release them. I am also excited to share a new modality that I learned that is quick and easy to release trapped emotions from the body. And anyone can do it. Here’s the link to the book I mention in the show: https://amzn.to/42o4lAM
This week’s crystal can help expand your mind and create focus. And this week’s card message is about respecting your body as a sacred space.
Your practice lesson this week will take you on a deep dive journey into your life and the changes you want to make.
I also mention two free ways to work with me that I am super excited about.
Interested in learning more about the products I used for this week’s crystal lesson and card reading? Check out the products on Amazon through the (affiliate) links below:
- Crystals Book & Card Deck
- Kyle Gray’s Raise Your Vibration Oracle Deck
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To learn more about Christy, her services, free resources, and merch, visit theredneckwitch.com.
Follow Christy on Instagram @christytaylor and @theredneckwitch and @soulfulministryservices
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