Welcome to the Mix-up Music Review. This is where we dive into a single year and discuss the top 10 from that year & then remix things and give you what we feel should really be the top 10 of that year. This episode we feature the year 2002! Hope you enjoy our thoughts and discussion. Please follow us on your favorite podcast listening platform, leave us a 5 star review & follow us on Instagram.
Contact Us:
Website: mixupmusicreview.com
Email: mmr@perkinsmediagroup.com
Instagram: @mixupmusicreview
Have fun and enjoy the music!
Matt, Eric, Rosey
Contact Us:
Website: mixupmusicreview.com
Email: mmr@perkinsmediagroup.com
Instagram: @mixupmusicreview
Have fun and enjoy the music!
Matt, Eric, Rosey