A look at gratitude everyday and how to make experiences highlight the things that are most important in our lives. Gratitude happens everyday of every year. This episode was recorded in November but can be used anytime of the year.
Today’s Episode Overview:
30 days of gratitude
A lifestyle of gratitude
Focusing on gratitude shifts how we engage in life and live a meaningful life.
Noticing with gratitude
Living with gratitude
30 days of gratitude - Family Friends and Community is an annual event that can be followed throughout the year, Stay connected to developpeople.org for each year's gratitude challenge.
Week 1
Gratitude for family
Gratitude practices for the family
Weekly gratitude challenge
Week 2
Gratitude for friends
The science of gratitude and friendship
Weekly gratitude exercise and tips
Week 3
Gratitude for community
Importance of community
Community connections
Acts of gratitude for community
Week 4
Integrating gratitude into daily life
January - The gratitude habit carrying it forward
Closing Thoughts
Gratitude is essential to living a fruitful life.
Call to Action:
Join the gratitude challenge community on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/DevelopingPeopleInc/
Create a gratitude ritual. Download our free guide at www.developpeople.org/gratitude
Show notes for In the Background of Life with Kelly Ramsey
Illustrated Faith - The art of noticing
Illustrated Faith - Gratitude
Goldmine and Coco Gratitude journal
You can learn more about Kelly's expertise here:
You can find all My Favorite Podcast episodes here:
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