Osmnáctiletá Mandy si šla se svým psem zaběhat ven, domů už se nikdy nevrátila.
Intro a outro: Poltergeist by BLVCKNOIZE
Unknown. (1989). Campus mourns the death of freshamn. The Observer - Central Washington University, p. 22.
Mandy Stavik Homicide - Witness Statement - redacted.
Sant, P. V. (18. July 2020). How a community came together to help solve teen's 1989 murder. Načteno z https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mandy-stavik-killing-how-a-community-came-together-to-help-solve-acme-washington-teens-1989-murder/
State of Washington v Timothy Bass , 80156-2-I (Court of Appeals Division I State of Washington 6. January 2021).
The State of Washington vs Timothy Forrest Bass, 17-1-01619-37 (The Superior Court of The State of Washington For Whatcom County 14. December 2017). dostupné na: https://law.justia.com/cases/washington/court-of-appeals-division-i/2021/80156-2.html
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