In this episode, host Adithya Muthukumar discusses the recent Tamil drama film 'Dada' with guests Deepak Rhaj and Vidhush Vaidyanathan. We spoke about what we liked about this film, it's ending, the fresh writing, the importance of casting, the underrated contributions of Jen Martin, and rave over the phenomenal performances of Kavin, Aparna Das, Harish K, and Pradeep Antony. Fuelled by the active discussion on Twitter, we also discussed gender politics, the male gaze, the male savior complex, the overall political correctness of female film characters, the phenomenon of male writers writing female characters, and stuff one needs to be careful about in their debut movie and much more in a somewhat politically charged debate. Enjoy!
Written and directed by Ganesh K Babu
Music by Jen Martin
DOP - Ezhil Arasu
Cast: Kavin, Aparna Das, Harish K, K Bhagyaraj, Aishwariyaa Bhaskaran, Pradeep Antony, VTV Ganesh and others
Playing in theatres near you
Also streaming on Amazon Prime Video
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