Welcome back to the podcast I'm just start my second week of my second semester at university so I'm still trying to get the routine down, but it's a work in progress, and we'll just keep on figuring it out. So hence why I have been absent. Over a break, I realized that I never recorded an episode like I planned, but I did do some personal reflection. January 10, marked a year since I had my lung surgery or also known as a new pneumenectomy. Especially on my anniversary of my new pneumenectomy. I also share the audio clip of ringing the bell and insights on World Cancer Day.
Playlist on Cancer Journey:https://lnns.co/ZL4Y9Tf2QzB
Health Spreadsheet Resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vQ3rEPFluhpZCXLymMbFha9pGJcusD8dPmH5agCk9kg/edit?usp=sharing
Alexs Lemonade Stand Foundation: www.alexslemonade.org/mypage/3053713
To keep up with Brianna's Bandwagon :
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Business Inquires Can Be Sent to: briannasbandwagon.pod@gmail.com
Website: https://briannasbandwagon.com/briannas-bandwagonthe-podcast/
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This episode of Brianna's Bandwagon : The Podcast is produced and edited by Brianna Marie. Theme music written and performed by Katie K.