Like clockwork, every autumn the calls start rolling in: Is this allergies or the flu or a cold? While fall and winter are typically “cold and flu season,” it doesn’t happen just because the weather is turning… it might be your nervous system crashing the party! Be honest - how do you feel about the holiday season coming up? Does it make you feel joyful, relaxed, and happy? Or - much more likely - like a “stressball”? This fall, fight cold and flu season with a strong nervous system! Your Immune System and Nervous System Especially during this season, it’s important to balance the two main parts of your autonomic nervous system: Rest and digest (parasympathetic nervous system) Fight or flight (sympathetic nervous system) Your fight or flight gets triggered with all kinds of modern stressors, including sudden noises, email alerts, phone dings, etc. When these stressors happen, your body produces a hormone reaction that disrupts your sleep, digestive system, reproductive system, and immune system. Meaning, your body is fighting everything except the external cold and flu bugs. Shifting Into a Peaceful Holiday Season Ready to have a holiday season full of ease and grace? Dr. Elyssa has three easy, accessible tips for you! Tip 1: Box breathing. Inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, exhale for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, inhale for 4 counts… Repeat for a few rounds. Tip 2: Turn off your notifications. Turn your phone on silent so you don’t get constant “ding” anxiety, and consider setting specific times to check your phone or email. Tip 3: Be mindful of inflammation activators. Inflammation increases stress response and calls your immune system to fight the inflammation, distracting it from outside invaders like colds and flus. To support anti-inflammation in your system: Watch out for extra sugar, rich/heavy foods, and alcohol Drink more water, especially when you get sugar cravings Eat something that helps you feel healthy before going to holiday gatherings Take snacks for the road! Let us know how these tips work for you this holiday season, or if you have any to add! In this episode you’ll hear about: Why fall becomes cold and flu season What’s really happening each autumn that causes those colds and flus Balancing holiday season stress How your nervous system and immune system work together Ease and grace this holiday season Dr. Elyssa’s three tips for a healthy nervous system and strong immune system Resources in this Episode: Pain-Free Pregnancy registration Body & Balance website Learn more about Dynamic Body Balancing DBB Website Learn: Episode 4: All About Dynamic Body Balancing Episode 5: It Takes a Village - Doulas The Benefits of Bone Broth Healthy Holiday Eating Stress Free Home for the Holidays Connect: Boulder Locals: Join our free, in-person Pain-Free Pregnancy community each quarter. Register here! Body & Balance: New patients start here About Dr Elyssa and Dr Katherine Connect with Body & Balance on Instagram Connect with Body & Balance on Facebook Enjoying the podcast? Be sure to subscribe and leave a review! Disclaimer This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers/listeners of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Elyssa Wright nor Body and Balance Chiropractic. LLC nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading, listening or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.