Feeling overloaded with all the pregnancy advice from doctors, family members, strangers, and the bottomless pit that is the internet? Let’s get back to the basics. Very simply, rule number one is to listen to yourself. Your internal wisdom is super smart and will tell you what’s okay and what’s not okay. Connect with you and baby with these simple tips as you embark on your pregnancy journey: Nutrition Through the…interesting…cravings that can go along with pregnancy, there are a few simple things to keep in mind. Leave out caffeine Pay attention to artificial sweeteners and refined sugars Steer clear of prepackaged foods as much as possible Add a good prenatal vitamin with iron and omegas Manage your blood sugar (and morning sickness!) with regular snacks and meals Sleep Your body will usually tell you the best way to sleep as you move through trimesters and your baby grows. Sleeping on your side with lots of pillow support is generally the way to go! Grab some pillows or a U-pillow to support your head, baby, and between-the-knees for your side sleeping. Stress Cortisol, your stress hormone, can impact all the other hormones in your body - and in baby’s body. What’s a mama to do? Regulate your nervous system with breath! Find a regular occurrence during your day - like going to the bathroom - and take 5 deep breaths just for you. Inhale silence, exhale racing thoughts. Manage stress with outside support like massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, etc. At Body & Balance, we specialize in regulating your nervous system in addition to helping your body feel its best. Movement Should I keep lifting weights? Can I keep running while I’m pregnant? Generally, you can keep doing what you were doing before you got pregnant (as long as it feels ok), though now is not the time to push your limits or set PRs. Whether you were a “walker” before your pregnancy or not, now is a great time for walking! Start small and build up your walking duration to about 45 minutes a day and include as a regular part of your day throughout your pregnancy. In this episode you’ll hear about: The overload of pregnancy information Trusting your intuition Setting boundaries Foods to avoid or add How to sleep for a happy back (plus the Body & Balance fan favorite pregnancy pillow!) Managing your mindset and stress levels Exercise and movement basics The benefits of walking Feeling more at ease with your pregnancy Resources in this Episode: Pain-Free Pregnancy registration Dr Elyssa’s favorite prenatal vitamins Body & Balance website Learn: Episode 2: Strength & Community in Pre- and Post-Natal Yoga Exercise During Pregnancy Prenatal and Pregnancy Nutritional Care Camouflaged Sugars Connect: Boulder Locals: Join our free, in-person Pain-Free Pregnancy community each quarter. Register here! Body & Balance: New patients start here About Dr Elyssa and Dr Katherine Connect with Body & Balance on Instagram Connect with Body & Balance on Facebook Enjoying the podcast? Be sure to subscribe and leave a review! Disclaimer This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers/listeners of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Elyssa Wright nor Body and Balance Chiropractic. LLC nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading, listening or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.