In this episode of Grow Your DJ Mixshow Podcast, DJ Marcus Wade maps out step by step the strategies that enabled him to grow his podcasts from virtually 0 to over 100,000 podcast listens in 2022. He also provides a bonus tip that is proven to add fuel to your podcast fire!
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Please take a moment to check out my two mixshow podcasts:
- 🎧 Afro Inspirations Radio: https://link.chtbl.com/AfroInspirationsRadio
- 🎧 Gospel Meets Dance: https://link.chtbl.com/GospelMeetsDanceRadioShow
- IG: https://instagram.com/MarcusWadeMusic
- FB: https://facebook.com/djmarcuswade
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrowYourDJPodcast
For Business and Promotional Inquiries: podcast@growyourdjpodcast.com
Grow Your DJ Mixshow Podcast is a production of Salt Shaker Music Group, 2022-2023.