In this episode, DJ Marcus Wade introduces the Grow Your DJ Podcast, tells his story of how he moved into podcasting and lays out the foundation of this podcast and future episodes. We are excited to provide this avenue of education to DJ in an area where there is little to none available.
Subscribe to audio & video versions of the podcast: https://links.growyourdjpodcast.com/podcast
Please take a moment to check out my two mixshow podcasts:
- Afro Inspirations Radio: https://link.chtbl.com/AfroInspirationsRadio
- Gospel Meets Dance: https://link.chtbl.com/GospelMeetsDanceRadioShow
- IG: https://instagram.com/MarcusWadeMusic
- FB: https://facebook.com/djmarcuswade
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrowYourDJPodcast
For Business and Promotional Inquiries: podcast@growyourdjpodcast.com
Grow Your DJ Mixshow Podcast is a production of Salt Shaker Music Group, 2022-2023.