Nourishing a Growing Testimony
Wayne Denis Nurmela
W. Denis Nurmela
Knowing that our Father in Heaven exists is not something that we first learn upon this earth," says Denis Nurmela.
It is only recently that we do not remember. Mortality veils our memories of God. It becomes our duty and our privilege to live in such a way that our memory of God returns. We don't have to gain a new testimony of our Father in Heaven; we already have one. This one testimony is therefore unique. All other testimonies are gained by our experiences here on earth. But this most singular of all testimonies is the first and most important. It becomes the foundation for all other testimonies."
This book is filled with such profound insights. It draws upon everyday occurrences and the workings of nature to explain the development of testimony. Suddenly we see the enormity of God's love and how we can 'conform" to His plan. We understand that growing a testimony is a process, that spiritual gifts of God are plentiful, and that testimonies bud and blossom in proportion to our commitment, comprehension and ability to live the associated principles.
Marvin Goldstein, world-renowned pianist, says, "This book is a simple yet powerful presentation of ideas to build personal testimonies of our eternal relationship with our Father in Heaven. As Denis Nurmela states, faith plus a desire to learn allows our Father to enter our very souls and teach us in a most eternal sense. Seeing past the surface of our experiences will allow our spiritual memories to become gifts of testimony."
This book would be a wonderful addition to any LDS member or Christian’s library. It is a great gift especially enjoyed by teenagers and young adults.