Meet My Medical Director
Navigating Cancer's Storm
Lisa Engelman
Lisa Engelman
She thought it was gallstones. It turned out to be cancer.
Diagnosed with follicular non-Hodgkins lymphoma, wife and mom of four littles Lisa Engelman experienced normal feelings of shock, fear, grief, and uncertainty. But she didn’t follow normal protocols when it came to seeking treatment.
Knowing the damage conventional Western medicine can do to the body as it fights cancer, Lisa wondered if there was a better way. But alternative medicine offered a myriad of bewildering options.
Lisa and her husband, Steve, decided to seek direction from one source only: Jesus Christ. While valuing the advice of doctors, Lisa looked to the Lord, her Medical Director, for the final word on every decision. This led her on a path of various alternative treatments, one round of chemotherapy, and a treatment center in Mexico. It also brought peace and clarity as she navigated medical decisions and sought meanwhile to bless her husband, parent her children with grace, and encourage fellow sufferers of cancer.
Now more than five years out from her initial diagnosis and showing no evidence of disease, Lisa continues to rely on Jesus for her every decision. Listen to Lisa’s story and meet her Medical Director—Jesus Christ, who walks beside us in our pain and imparts to us His peace.