Jesus: The Ultimate Reality
Bill Anciaux
Bob Emery
In Greek, the original language of the New Testament, the word for truth is aletheia, which also means reality. In the Book of John we read that Jesus referred to himself as the truth. He did not say that he knew the truth--but that he was the truth. When Jesus called himself the true bread, the true vine, and true food and drink, he was also calling himself the real bread, the real vine, and real food and drink.
Before the world was created, God was all. He inhabited an unseen, spiritual realm and was the absolute and ultimate reality. But God had a plan and that plan involved the human race. Motivated by love, he created the heavens and the earth, setting the stage for this drama to unfold. Then, in the fullness of time, taking the form of a man, God stepped into his own creation to reveal himself and became visible in the person of Jesus Christ.
In this deep-dive into the Gospel of John, you will discover what Jesus meant when he called himself the truth, or that which is real. You will learn the purpose and the plan of God, and why you were created. You will discover your true identity. And you will be introduced to the ultimate reality that exists beyond this world into which you were born, in which you live, and which you can see with the human eye.
Writing in short, easy-to-digest conversations, BOB EMERY brings a half-century of his experience from following Jesus, Bible teaching, and study to engage and enlighten seekers, new believers, and veterans of faith alike.
©2019 Bob Emery/BenchPress Publishing (DBA) (P)2024 Bob Emery/BenchPress Publishing (DBA)