In Bed with Susie Bright 464: Top Sex Stories of the Year, Part 2
Susie Bright
Susie Bright
It's Part 2 of our annual look at the top sex stories of 2010. This week, we continue to look at the headlines that made a sexual splash. First, Susie talks about the real reason Facebook was created: sexual revenge. Ouch! But business trumps love here, and oh so successfully too. And what about all the stories we heard from Big Pharma about their solutions to all your sexual problems? Take another pill? Susie also examines the massive coverage of celebrity divorces and marriages. Why should we care? Well, it's all related to our growing class wars. Look out!
Next, Susie has a short list of the best sex movies of 2010 - a surprising bunch of films, the ones that Susie thinks mattered as far as having a real influence in the sexual arena. You'll have to listen to find out which ones are the must sees.
Then, in our "Try This at Home" mailbag, Susie has some great advice for a guy who says that is bumming him out. What about dating the old-fashioned way? Is that too radical of an idea in the Internet age?
Have a question? You can call Susie's hotline at 831-480-5110. And you can send your confidential questions - plus requests for free samples and blog banners! - to [Episode 464, January 14, 2011]
Explicit Language Warning: You must be 18 years or older to purchase this program.
©2010 Audible, Inc and Susie Bright