Connecting to Create
The Transformative Power of Divine Love
Erin Hayden
Xhila Dorsman
Who are we becoming? We come into the world, inevitably molded by the people around us and circumstances beyond our control. Then comes a time when we are given the power to choose. Do we follow what we deem predetermined? Or do we set forth a new way?
This book is about our potential for inner transformation. It’s about believing in the impossible and letting it change your life. It is about uncovering who we are in the eyes of God so that we may break ourselves of tired patterns. It’s about stepping into the light of the Creator so that we become beacons of light in the world and realize our untapped creative potential.
In this book, Xhila shares her own journey to healing after experiencing deep grief, anxiety, and fear. She shares a powerful encounter she had with Jesus Christ and its profound transformative power on her life.
Connecting to Create is a beginner's guide for those seeking ways to invite God back into their healing and to light their creative spark. It's for those looking to bring more creativity and inner peace into their day-to-day lives. There is a message in here for all spiritual seekers regardless of religion, and that message is centered on the power of God’s love.
The book also includes original poems with underlying themes of transformation, faith, frailty, hope, sorrow, and a deep love and yearning to become more Christlike and to draw near to the ever-loving God.