Brain Awakes
Empowering Children Through Breath, Balance, and Reflection
Hayley Peter
Showing our children how to recognize and regulate their emotions is a crucial piece of successful parenting and teaching. As young educators, we never imagined the time required to develop social-emotional skills in their students. These abilities are “recognized, valued, and supported by ever-expanding research as an important contributor to behavioral improvements, academic achievement, and overall factors of long-term success,” but how can educators and parents find the time in their overloaded schedules to teach self-awareness, empathy, and optimism? The purpose of Brain Awakes is to provide a practical way to equip all children with these life skills.
With this straightforward guide, you will be able to lead your children using breath, balance, and reflection. The path of the book follows a developmentally appropriate progression, which starts with a child’s inner-environment and leads to their relationship with the world around them. As they practice the art of metacognition, watch their relationships with themselves and others flourish.
Every activity in Brain Awakes will occupy less than five minutes and provide a much needed mental break. The reflection section will serve as a guide for valuable conversations with your children. Taking the time to collaborate and reflect will generate greater social-emotional
growth. Our shared devotion to this journey will yield a needed sense of awareness while inspiring a more compassionate and connected community—one activity at a time.