Here we are for episode 748! In which Paul and Warren join forces to discuss the TV hits of 1974 in the UK; but there is also a new podcast on the scene that seems intent on destroying the good reputations of The Shy Life Podcast gang! Who can be behind it? Our next episode, #749 sees Mr Yeti being in a surprisingly Christmassy frame of mind! It's because Scraffy is finally coming home!? Maybe... and yes, we know we're late mentioning Christmas but that's because there's been a lot going on... as you will soon hear! Episode 750 draws ever closer! Do join us! Email us at shyyeti@yahoo.co.uk if you have comments - you can even send a sound-file and I'll include it. The music is by Shy Yeti, Muffleyontour, Luca and Udio. Sound effects by Paul C and Soundbible. Logo by Owen O and Shy Yeti. All other content is Copyright Paul Chandler, 2024. Episode 748 was recorded on the 7th November 2024.