In this thought-provoking episode, Dr. John Patrick shares his journey from being a retired professor of biochemistry and pediatrics to exploring the profound teachings of the Sermon on the Mount. Reflecting on the Beatitudes, he delves into the transformative process of faith, repentance, and humility that Jesus outlined for His disciples. Dr. Patrick also recounts powerful stories from his experiences in Africa, illustrating how microeconomic development and cultural understanding can restore dignity and empower communities.
// LINKS //
Website: https://www.johnpatrick.ca/
Podcast: https://doctorjohnpatrick.podbean.com/
Biblical Literate Quiz: https://www.johnpatrick.ca/meaning-metaphor-and-allusion/
Recommended Reading list: https://www.johnpatrick.ca/book-list/
Ask Doctor John: https://www.johnpatrick.ca/ask/
LINKS: https://beacons.ai/doctorjohnpatrick